Changes in Working Life in the 2010s
The Kalevi Sorsa Foundation initiated a project which looks at marginalization and the labour market from the perspective of immigration and mental health.
The mental health perspective focuses on depression and work. Work related depression is a large and growing cause of sick leave and premature pension. This contributes to raising fears of the deterioration of working life. A report on mental health rehabilitation and return to work after depression will be published in the fall of 2012.
Improving the labour market position of immigrants and recognising specific problems immigrants face at work and in recruitment are key questions of the project. Clarity is also sought in the political, cultural and economic debate about immigrant labour. In May 2012 a book dealing with immigration as a question in the black economy included articles raising the precarious situation of undocumented immigrant workers, work-related human trafficking and the role and possibilities of the trade union movement in combatting the abuse of immigrant workers and promoting equality in the labour market.
A final report on exclusion from the labour market, gathering all the insights gained in the project, is due to be published in January 2013.
Further information is provided by
Ilkka Vuorikuru, project coordinator, +358 (0)400 129 1173