Policies for Innovation in times of Digitalization
In today’s debates, innovation policies and especially digitalization are often regarded as mainly technological phenomena and policies often aim at technological problems and solutions. However, in times of increasing digitalization of work and everyday life the question must arise how state policies can shape, develop and create accessibility of digital innovations in a socially just way. Innovations cannot emerge in an industrial or social vacuum, they have to be created by and for people. This means that the role of the state has to be redefined from a passive funder to an active investor because the fruits of technological progress must not, as can be feared today, be enjoyed solely by a small group within society. They have to be redistributed alongside social justice and sustainability and accessible for the broad mass of society.
“Policies for innovation in times of digitalization” analyses three national systems of innovation and sketches a progressive and cross-border framework for innovation policies. The report is a result of a broad collaboration between centre-left Think Tanks: Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung Stockholm and Berlin, Sorsa Foundation in Finland and ArenaIdé in Sweden. Alongside the comparative analysis of innovation strategies and the role of the state, the authors develop policy recommendations for a progressive innovation framework, which understands innovation not only as a technological path to economic growth but as a central element to solve societal challenges.