Seminar 11.3.2016: Development assistance for conflict prevention and conflict transformation in the European Neighborhood
In recent years Europe has been surrounded by instability and concurrent crises that have been escalated into conflicts and major warfare. The severe situation in the Middle East has led to an unprecedented flow of refugees and migrants to Europe. Conflicts today are often complex, ambiguous and difficult to solve. Preventing conflict is much more effective than dealing with its consequences. Therefore, in order to succeed a comprehensive approach is needed.
Time: Friday 11.3.2016 at 14.00-16.45
Place: Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki
Registration latest by March 7th to
In recent years Europe has been surrounded by instability and concurrent crises that have been escalated into conflicts and major warfare. The severe situation in the Middle East has led to an unprecedented flow of refugees and migrants to Europe. Conflicts today are often complex, ambiguous and difficult to solve. Preventing conflict is much more effective than dealing with its consequences. Therefore, in order to succeed a comprehensive approach is needed. How to support countries and communities in strengthening their own capacities to prevent conflicts and build peace? What are the varieties of ways of integrating conflict prevention in development policies? How to foster gender inclusive and sustainable peace policies? What have been the successes and failures in this regard? What are the lessons learnt?
The event organised by the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation, European Network for Political Foundations and Visio is public and free of charge.
Martin Ängeby, ENoP Network Coordinator and Secretary General of the Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC)
Marko Lehti, Senior Research Fellow, Academic Director of Master’s Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research (PEACE) at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
15.30 Strategies and instruments to promote peace and stability in our neighbourhood
Kaija Korhonen, Project Manager, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation, Chair ENoP WG on Enlargement/Neighbourhood
Joumana Seif, Syrian activist and founding member of Syrian Women’s Network
Martin Ängeby, Network Coordinator ENoP, Secretary General of the Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC)
Moderation: Rebecca Wagner, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Chair ENoP WG on enlargement/Neighbourhood
16.30 Final remarks
Ville Ylikahri, Secretary General, Vihreä Sivistysliitto ry – Visio